ANIL (Almost No Inner Loop)

ICLR 2020 8-23-2020


Idea of MAML: to builder a meta-learner which could learn a set of optimal initialization useful for learning different tasks, then adapt to specific tasks quickly (within a few gradient steps) and efficiently (with only a few examples).

It is also viewed as a bi-level optimization problem. Two types of parameters updates are required:

  • the inner loop and the outer loop

  • The inner loop takes the initialization and performs the task-specific adaptation to new tasks.

  • The outer loop updates the meta-initialization of the neural network architecture parameters to a setting which could be adopted in the inner loop to enable fast adaptation to new tasks.

Conjecture/hypothesis of the author of ANIL:

"we can obtain the same rapid learning performance of MAML solely through feature reuse."

Rapid Learning vs Feature Reuse

Rapid learning:

"In rapid learning, the meta-initialization in the outer loop results in a parameter setting that is favorable for fast learning, thus significant adaptation to new tasks can rapidly take place in the inner loop. "

"In feature reuse, the meta-initialization already contains useful features that can be reused, so little adaptation on the parameters is required in the inner loop."

"To prove feature reuse is a competitive alternative to rapid learning in MAML, the authors proposed a simplified algorithm, ANIL, where the inner loop is removed for all but the task-specific head of the underlying neural network during training and testing."


  • base model/learner: a neural network architecture (i.e., CNN)

  • θ\theta : the set of meta-initialization parameters of the feature extractable layers of the neural network architecture

  • ww: the set of meta-initialization parameters of the head layer (final classification layer?)

  • ϕθ\phi_{\theta}: the feature extractor parametrized by θ\theta

  • y^=wTϕθ(x)\hat{y} = w^{T}\phi_{\theta}(x) : label prediction

Outer loop

Given θi\theta_{i} and wiw_i at iteration step ii , the outer loop will update both parameters via gradient descent:

θi+1=θi−α∇θiL(wi′Tϕθi′(x),y)wi+1=wi−α∇wiL(wi′Tϕθi′(x),y)\theta_{i+1} = \theta_i - \alpha\nabla_{\theta_i}\mathcal{L}({w^{\prime}_i}^{T}\phi_{\theta^{\prime}_i}(x), y)\\ w_{i+1} = w_i - \alpha\nabla_{w_i}\mathcal{L}({w^{\prime}_i}^{T}\phi_{\theta^{\prime}_i}(x), y)
  • L\mathcal{L} is the loss for one task (or several tasks) (query set loss I think)

  • α\alpha meta learning rate

  • θi′ \theta^{\prime}_i task-specific parameters (task adapted parameters) after one/several steps from θi\theta_i in inner loop

  • wi′w^{\prime}_i task-specific parameters (task adapted parameters) after one/several steps from wiw_i in inner loop

  • (x,y)(x,y) samples from query set

Inner loop (one step for illustration)

θi′=θiwi′=wi−β∇wiL(wiTϕθi(x),y) {\color{red} \theta^{\prime}_{i} = \theta_{i}} \\ w^{\prime}_i = w_i - \beta\nabla_{w_i}\mathcal{L}(w_i^{T}\phi_{\theta_i}(x), y)
  • β\beta learning rate in inner loop

  • L\mathcal{L} loss function for one/several tasks during support set

  • (x,y)(x,y) samples from support set

In contrast:

inner loop in MAML:

θi′=θi−β∇θiL(wiTϕθi(x),y)wi′=wi−β∇wiL(wiTϕθi(x),y) {\color{red} \theta^{\prime}_i = \theta_i - \beta\nabla_{\theta_i}\mathcal{L}(w_i^{T}\phi_{\theta_i}(x), y)} \\ w^{\prime}_i = w_i - \beta\nabla_{w_i}\mathcal{L}(w_i^{T}\phi_{\theta_i}(x), y)


  • much more computationally efficient since it requires fewer updates in the inner loop.

  • performance is comparable with MAML


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